Statement Of Purpose

• Establish and maintain a Food Hamper Distribution Program with the intent of feeding those who are legitimately considered less fortunate and underserved in society by providing non-perishable food items.

• Source and distribute clothing (new and gently-used/second-hand)

• Partner with other Charitable Organisations (NPOs, FBOs, NGOs…etc.) in order to attain mutual and individual goals.

• Establish and maintain an Inmate Compassion Ministry. Visiting both male and female inmates of various ages and at various facilities with the intent to emotionally and spiritually strengthen them with the word of God as well as meeting physical needs as much as is viable.

• Equip and engage society by providing Motivational Seminars, designed to help others to live a life of success and “bring out the total you”.

• Own and operate a Headquarters/Home Base facility to perform our different ministries as well as store our aid stockpile.

• Raise the revenue needed to help us maintain our cause/mission and fund new projects.

• Become a networking information center, liaising and maintaining relationships with other bodies and as such will be able to refer those in want of help to the entity that may be best suited to their need.